這首What if其實在述說的故事就是,如果當初怎樣怎樣,那現在會變成怎樣的故事。也許有一天你變成了大肚男,在街上閒逛,看到了好久不見的Ex.,說不定你就會有What if的心情出現。這首歌Babyface在詮釋的時候有些詞聽起來卡卡的,並不是那麼的smooth,可能是要把那Rythem的步調唱出來吧。藉由一次又一次的What if ,提出了許多問題,情緒在最後的副歌時進入了高潮。如果是這樣的話,那可能是我的XX,那可能是我的OO等。
但過去就過去吧,也許老年的時候來個What if也會別有風情吧。剛好今天在公車上聽到這首歌,這就是今天的介紹瞜。
I ran into a friend of yours the other day
And I asked her how you've been
She said my girl is fine; just bought a house, got a job, real good man
I told her I was glad for you; that's wonderful
But does she ever ask 'bout me?
She said she's happy with her life right now
Let her go, let her be
And I told myself I would, but something in my heart just would not let you go
I just want to know
What if we were wrong about each other?
What if you were really made for me?
What if we was 'sposed to be together?
Would that not mean anything?
What if that was 'sposed to be my house that you go home to every day?
How can you be sure that things are better?
If you can't be sure your heart is still here with me
Still wanting me
Your friend asked me if there was someone special in my life that I was seeing
I told her there was no one in particular
There's just I, myself, and me
I told her that I dream of you quite often
She just cut her eyes at me
She said you got a home, you're very happy
So just stop your meddling
I told her that I won't
I said things were cool, but I guess I was wrong
I still can't move on
Now that could be my car
That could be my house
That could be my baby boy that you're nursing
That could be the trash that I always take out
That could be the chair that I love to chill in
That could be my food on the table at the end of the day
Hugs and the kisses, all the love we make
What the hell do you expect me to say?
What if it's really 'sposed to be this way?
What if you're really 'sposed to be with me?